I’m having trouble to Log In, what can I do?


Last Update hace 3 años

1.Lost your password:  If  you are trying to log in and the system tells you your password is incorrect, probably you have forgotten or lost your password. We have an automated reset password system. Just click the link “Lost Your Password” and you will be redirected to a new form where you will write down your email or username. You will receive a reset password link in your mail inbox so you can re-enter a new password.</p>
2.Invalid username: Slideegg  Login credentials consist of your username and password. You username is not your email address by default. The username  is selected by users at the account creation time. If you are trying to login and the system informs that the username is invalid, probably you are using an incorrect username or trying to login with your email instead of your username. In order to retrieve your username from your email, please follow the steps in the previous point (Lost your password) and you will receive your username and password reset in your email inbox.
For both procedures, please check not only your inbox, but also your spam folder, as it could happen that your email system understands this email as spam due to its automatic delivery nature.
In case you continue having trouble, or have any doubt on the process, don’t hesitate to contact us through our support center. We will be glad to help you

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