Notify the Slideegg   Support Team immediately when


Last Update há 4 anos

You suspect unauthorized activity occurring on your account
You receive an email that your password, email, or username changed, but you didn’t change it
You receive an email from Slideegg(our Payout partner) that your payout information or tax information was changed, but you didn’t change it
You receive an email that a payout was requested or canceled in your shop, but you didn’t do it
You receive an email that the VAT/GST information on your account changed, but you didn’t change it
You receive a receipt for a purchase you didn’t make
You receive an email that looks like it’s from us, but requests that you log in or supply login information. This might be a phishing email from someone trying to steal your information. It’s important that you notify our support team as soon as possible
We will never ask you to reply to an email with secure login information like your username or password.
if any of those things happen. Our Support Team will immediately investigate and take appropriate measures to help keep your account, payout, and tax information safe.

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