How do I register with SlideEgg ?

Registering your account


Last Update 4 years ago

1.Click on the ‘Signup" button at the top right corner
2.Click a "Register" tab and then Enter your name, and a valid email address on the popup
3.Choose a secure password for your account and click "Signup For Free" button
4.If your email address is a Gmail id, Click on the Google icon (G) in ‘Sign in with Google’ section authentication will be done via google.
5.In case your email id is not a Gmail id, then you’ll be greeted with a welcome screen and an email, that’ll be sent to the email address you have provided for authentication.
6.Following "Thanks for signing up " popup will display upon successful registration with SlideEgg
7.Please click the link for verification in your mail, once  you verify your account, following "Congratulation" popup will display 

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